Using MSAL.Net to perform the client credentials flow with a certificate instead of a client secret in a .NetCore console appliction.

The sample files for this post can be found in this GitHub repository: There is also a Powershell script there to create a certificate for this sample. You can perform the OAuth2 client_credentials grant flow to sign in as an application for your automated type of services. This flow does not require an interactive user to authenticate and should only be run in secure environments. There are 2 methods…

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Understanding Azure AD token signing certificate (kid)

Introduction Upon successful authentication, Azure AD issues a signed JWT token (id token or access token). The resource application needs to know the public key of the certificate used sign the token in order to validate the token signature. Depending upon the type (OAuth2 or SAML Application) of the resource application, the steps to obtain the pubic key information are different. An OWIN application can throw the following error…

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