Walkthrough: how to retrieve an Azure Key Vault secret from an Azure Function App using client credentials flow with certificate

Introduction: This post builds on the information from the previous post and I will assume that you already have an Azure Key Vault, an AAD Application registration, and a certificate file. We will cover the following steps in this blog in order to use a certificate from an Azure Function App: Create an Azure Function App Upload the certificate to the Function App Configure the Function App to load certificate…

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Walkthrough: how to retrieve an Azure Key Vault secret from a console app using client credentials flow with certificate

Introduction This is a code walkthrough to show you how to create a .Net console application to authenticate to Azure Active Directory using OAuth2 Client Credentials flow to get an access token to Azure Key Vault. It then uses the access token to call Azure Key Vault to get a secret. The following steps will be performed in this post: Create an Azure Key Vault Create a new self-signed certificate…

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Using Postman to Call the Microsoft Graph API Using Client Credentials

Introduction This blog post is to help users stand up an Azure Active Directory Application Registration, explain what permissions will be needed to added to the AAD Application Registration, how to make rest calls to get an access token, and then finally call the Microsoft Graph API to do whatever call you would like to do.   Please note, that not all permissions are going to be within Azure. i.e.…

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