Where is all the Azure Active Directory for developers (v1.0) documentation?

Where is all the Azure Active Directory for developers (v1.0) documentation? Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud identity service that allows developers to build apps that securely sign in users with a Microsoft work or school account. If you have been developing your apps using Azure Active Directory for developers (v1.0), typically ADAL, you might have noticed that it is getting harder to find related documentation. This is…

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How to Use the ADAL .NET library to Call the Microsoft Graph API in a Console Application (Using Authorization Code Flow)

Introduction This post is to show how to use the ADAL .NET library to acquire a token interactively in a console application. It will go through setting up an Azure Active Directory Application, setting up the .net console application, acquiring an access token, and then make a HTTP request using the token acquired from the ADAL .net library to get 5 users using the Microsoft Graph API.   Setting up your…

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