Unable to Delete Azure Active Directory Application Registration

Introduction This post is meant to go over the issue when the Azure Active Directory Application Registration delete button is grayed out. This issue could occur for a few reasons, and this document will go over the current known issues with Azure Active Directory Portal issues. This post will mainly go over the issues detailed in the v1.0 endpoint (portal.azure.com).       Context Some users will find that they…

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Unable to Modify User Email, Phone Number, Password or Other Personal Information for Azure Active Directory Users

Introduction This post is in regards to the issues in regards to users having issues modifying Azure Active Directory User attributes such as mail, phone number, resetting passwords, or other personal attributes in user accounts. This will review the reason behind these changes and how to resolve the issue. For many users this was something that was working before and only recently stopped working properly.   Reason Behind Change There…

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How to Add an Azure AD Role to a Enterprise Application (Service Principal)

Introduction This post is to help users be able to assign administrative roles to Enterprise Applications/Service Principals so that they can perform duties that would otherwise require a user with elevated permissions to accomplish. This is convenient when a user wishes to use a service principal in order to reset a password, or to perform some activity that requires admin privileges programmatically without an interactive sign in (using client credentials…

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How to Create and Add Keys to Enterprise Applications for Expired Keys

Introduction This article is broken up into a couple of different sections based on what you are trying to do. Trying to modify the service principals credentials typically is meant for accessing an application that is multi-tenanted and the client secret has expired and they need a fix to resolve a wide outage due to an expired client secret. This typically has to do with a key expiring, many people…

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Finding the Correct Permissions for a Microsoft or Azure Active Directory Graph Call

Introduction This post is to help define how one can find out which permissions are needed for a specific Graph API call. Assuming you want to have granular control over each AAD Application Registration, having the exact permissions required to do exactly what you need helps to secure your environment from users abusing permissions that you may have granted in excess. Whenever someone wants to utilize the Microsoft or AAD…

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Receiving AADSTS90094: The grant requires admin permission.

Introduction This post is to help provide guidance when receiving the error : AADSTS90094: The grant requires admin permission. Typically this error is received when trying to get access to an AAD application registration. Please note that there are two different Microsoft application portals: https://portal.azure.com  (v1 application portal) and the https://myapps.microsoft.com (v2 application portal). For details on the different application models, please visit the following link: What’s different about the…

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How to Get to the Keys/Secrets From Azure Active Directory

Introduction This article has been written to help find where the keys/secrets are in the Azure portal depending on how you have set up your application. It will also provide some help in regards to extending/changing the Client Secret for an Enterprise Application in a Multi-Tenanted Scenario.     Custom AAD Registration Keys/Secrets In order to access the keys for an AAD application registration, you can follow the steps highlighted…

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V2 App Registration is missing an “Add Owner” button

Problem: Customer registers an application in the app registration portal (https://app.dev.microsoft.com). He is not able  share the application with other users since the “Add Owner” button is missing. Root cause: This problem can happen if the user registers the application in the app registration portal (V2 portal) under his personal MSA account. The behavior is documented in the following link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-limitations Resolution: Re-register the application under an Azure AD account…

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Implementing Service to Service Authorization and Getting the Access Token with Postman Utilizing Client Credential Grant Type

Introduction This article is meant to show how one can set up a client application to obtain a service to service access token, to get access to a web API from a web App. This document will be following the grant type client credential flow to do this, and will utilize Postman to get the access token via client credentials. This tutorial will not set up the backend web API,…

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Changing an existing Native Application to a Web App/API to get existing keys

Introduction   This article is meant to help get the keys from your native application. We used to show the keys in native applications however we took out that feature because the native application is not meant to have keys/secrets. As a result some people have had keys/secrets with their native applications however they currently still use those keys/secrets. This article is to help those people in order to get…

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